July 08, 2009

Summer Book Recco's

The summer is the perfect time to pick up a good book to lose yourself in. Here are a few books I have read recently and recommend!

Become Your Own Matchmaker: 8 Easy Steps For Attracting Your Perfect Mate by Patti Stanger- All of you brides may be past the point of using this book, but if you're a fan of Millionaire Matchmaker, you'll love it! Patti Stanger narrates and personality just shines through. Take her advice with a grain of salt if you aren't focused on snagging a millionaire, but overall a very easy and fun read.

The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski - I am not usually the type to run out and buy whatever book Oprah recommends, but this was a fantastic book. It's a little heavier, but a great read if you're looking to really get involved and attached to the characters. It's a very long book but worth reading every page.

My Horizontal Life by Chelsea Handler - Chelsea Handler is a comedic goddess. I saw her live earlier in the year and she blew me away. Her two books are super easy reads - I read them each in a day. My Horizontal Life was my favorite - I laughed outloud the whole time.

Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea by Chelsea Handler - Another great comedy by Chelsea Handler. I have to admit that I got this on audiotape and would listen to it as I ran. I eventually had to stop because I would get in a zone and just laugh out loud. Downright embarassing. Listen at your own risk in the comfort of your own home.
The Beach House by Jane Green - I just finished this one today and it's incredible. The story takes place in Nantucket. Jane Green's descriptions of Nantucket make you want to pack up immediately and move there. I absolutely loved this book and have already ordered a few of Jane's other books to read over the rest of the summer!

And now...drumroll please...my favorite book of all time...

Straight Up And Dirty by Stephanie Klein - Hands down the best book I have ever read. So good that my copy has circulated through every one of my friends and colleagues and they all have the exact same reaction. The book is so honest and so real - you can really feel and relate to everything that Stephanie has gone through. Her writing is incredible. And the best part is that Stephanie is an incredible blogger so the story doesn't end when the book does. You can continue to read her story and read about her life every day. She is the first post I'll read through on my Google Reader and everyday I look forward to her tweets! If you are a woman in your 20's or 30's and you are going to read one book, it MUST be this one.

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