October 24, 2007

Featured Vendor

A few weeks ago, I was contacted by a new company that just started in my hometown. I get contacted by literally hundreds of new vendors per week, but this one caught my eye. I met with them, heard their story, and LOVED their concept (and loved them, they are such fun ladies). AJ Amore does In-Home Demonstration parties. They are the new and useful alternative to the overdone engraved bracelet and flask. They offer a fresh and unique spin on the bachelorette party, shower, or attendants gift. You can show your appreciation for your bridal party by having them over for a party, or you can give them gift certificates to have parties of their own. Here's a little bit more about them:

Name: Allison Hill & Janet Lennon

Business: AJ Amore Website: http://www.ajamore.com/

Location: Midland Park, New Jersey, 07432

Type of Vendor: An In Home Food Demonstration and Dinner Party Planning Service

How Long In Business: 2 of the best months of our lives

Work Style: Casual with a dash of flare…

Training: Between the two of us we have 38 years of parenting, cooking and entertaining experience

Favorite Color: Allison: Purple Janet: Brown

Sports Team: Allison: Giants Janet: Yankees

Languages: English, Love, and children

Favorite Food: Pasta, Bread & Cheese. We wouldn’t survive without these in our diets

Hidden Talents or Favorite Hobbies: Allison: Singing Janet: Painting

Home Town: Allison: Ridgewood Janet: Bogota

Favorite Place: Allison: My Bed Janet: Her Beach Chair

Pets: Allison: Bella the cat Janet: Buster the cat & Buddy the crooked dog

Favorite Holidays: Christmas, Christmas and oh yeah….CHRISTMAS!

Favorite Quote: "One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." -Virginia Woolf

Best Part Of The Job: Laughing like no one is looking. We spend an awful lot of time together not to be having fun. Hopefully our clients are having as much fun as we are. We try to insist upon it!

Check out their website, www.ajamore.com to see more of the great services that they offer. Email them to be added to their newsletter mailing list! It features some really awesome stuff!

UPDATE: AJ Amore selected As You Wish as their Featured Vendor! Check it out: http://www.ajamore.com/FEATUREDVENDOR.html. Thanks ladies!!

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